Insoles vs. physiotherapy: Which short-term treatment triumphs in achilles tendinopathy?

Achilles tendinopathy (AT) poses a significant challenge for athletes, particularly runners, due to its persistent pain and limited treatment options. However, a recent study sheds light on the effectiveness of short-term treatment strategies in managing this condition. Conducted by Frank Mayer and colleagues (2007), the study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of common therapeutic approaches over a concise period of four weeks. The research enrolled … Continue reading Insoles vs. physiotherapy: Which short-term treatment triumphs in achilles tendinopathy?

Does extracorporeal shockwave therapy combined with eccentric loading and stretching exercises provide long-term relief for non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy?

Achilles tendinopathy is a common condition that affects athletes and individuals who engage in activities that require repetitive stress on the Achilles tendon. It is a debilitating condition that can significantly impair mobility and quality of life. Several treatment options are available, including conservative management, physical therapy, and surgery. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) is an innovative and non-invasive treatment option that has been shown to … Continue reading Does extracorporeal shockwave therapy combined with eccentric loading and stretching exercises provide long-term relief for non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy?

Are eccentric exercises superior to stretching for long-term achilles tendinopathy relief?

In 2007, Norregaard, et. al., conducted study about Achilles tendon pain, which is also known as achillodynia, remains a challenge in terms of prognosis and effective treatment. In this study, the focus was on evaluating the lasting impact of eccentric exercises as compared to stretching exercises in managing patients with achillodynia. Patients who had been grappling with achillodynia for a minimum of 3 months were … Continue reading Are eccentric exercises superior to stretching for long-term achilles tendinopathy relief?