Pre-test Probability

Pre-test Probability: It is defined as the probability of a patient having the suspected disease before application of a diagnostic test.

Determining the pre-test probability is the first step in making a clinical diagnosis.

pre_test probability


Pre-test Odds: It is defined as the odds that a patient has the suspected disease before application of a diagnostic test.

pre_test odds


  1. Šimundić, A.M., 2009. Measures of diagnostic accuracy: basic definitions. EJIFCC, 19(4), p.203.
  2. McGee, S., 2012. Evidence-based physical diagnosis. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  3. Fletcher, R.H., Fletcher, S.W. and Fletcher, G.S., 2012. Clinical epidemiology: the essentials. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.