How to Pinpoint Hip Joint Pain: Unlocking the Secrets of Diagnosis

Hip pain can have multiple causes, including non musculoskeletal, lumbosacral spine, intra-articular, and extra-articular. A consensus declaration has defined an evaluation algorithm for distinguishing the musculoskeletal causes of regional hip pain (Takla A et al. 2020). Lumbosacral and extra-articular diseases frequently coexist with intra-articular hip causes of pain (Takla A et al. 2020). As a result, a grasp of the complicated connections of the spine, … Continue reading How to Pinpoint Hip Joint Pain: Unlocking the Secrets of Diagnosis

Neurological bedside examination: accuracy in lumbo-sacral radiculopathy

In Western industrialised countries, low-back pain (LBP) is a common cause of disability. Although many people have at least one episode of low-back pain throughout their lives, no identifiable disease is found in up to 85% of patients (Deyo et al. 1992). Low back-related leg pain, which accounts for 23% to 57% of all LBP cases (Scharfer A, et al. 2007). In patients who report … Continue reading Neurological bedside examination: accuracy in lumbo-sacral radiculopathy

Lumbar Facetogenic pain

If your patients are having low back pain, it might be due to a number of factors, including lumbar facetogenic back pain. Facetogenic pain refers to discomfort that originates in the spine’s zygapophyseal joints. Prevalence: The prevalence of zygapophyseal joint pain has been estimated to be 15% of 76 (Schwarzer et al., 1994b) and 40% of 63 (Schwarzer et al., 1995b) chronic back pain patients. … Continue reading Lumbar Facetogenic pain

The Painful Sacroiliac Joint

A classification method based on symptom behaviour sub-grouping improves treatment outcomes, according to recent research (Fritz and George, 2000; Long et al., 2004). The association between the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) and low back pain has been a source of contention, with some researchers seeing SIJ pain as a key contribution to the problem and others dismissing it as inconsequential or irrelevant. The clinical reasoning technique … Continue reading The Painful Sacroiliac Joint