Does abdominal massage hold the key to opioid-induced constipation?

Opioid-induced constipation (OIC) poses a significant challenge in patient care, warranting effective management strategies. This randomized controlled trial, conducted between February 2017 and January 2018, Yıldırım, et. al., aimed to assess the impact of abdominal massage on OIC symptoms. The study involved 204 participants experiencing OIC, randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group (n=102) received 15-minute video-guided abdominal massage training and performed … Continue reading Does abdominal massage hold the key to opioid-induced constipation?

Are eccentric exercises superior to stretching for long-term achilles tendinopathy relief?

In 2007, Norregaard, et. al., conducted study about Achilles tendon pain, which is also known as achillodynia, remains a challenge in terms of prognosis and effective treatment. In this study, the focus was on evaluating the lasting impact of eccentric exercises as compared to stretching exercises in managing patients with achillodynia. Patients who had been grappling with achillodynia for a minimum of 3 months were … Continue reading Are eccentric exercises superior to stretching for long-term achilles tendinopathy relief?

Comparing rest, physiotherapy, and mobilization: Which yields better neck pain recovery?

Neck sprains are a common consequence of road accidents, often leading to persistent symptoms and discomfort for affected individuals. In an effort to improve patient outcomes, a pioneering study conducted by L.A. McKinney(1989) sought to explore the long-term effects of early mobilization exercises compared to rest or physiotherapy in patients with acute neck sprains. The study employed a single-blind, randomized, prospective design, enrolling 247 consecutive … Continue reading Comparing rest, physiotherapy, and mobilization: Which yields better neck pain recovery?

Can Mechanical Changes in Reflex Responses Explain the Clinical Benefits of Counterstrain Therapy in Plantar Fasciitis?

In 2006, Wynne, et. al., conducted the study on Plantar fasciitis which is a common foot condition characterized by pain and inflammation in the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue running across the bottom of the foot. Osteopathic manipulative treatment, specifically counterstrain therapy, has shown promise in reducing symptoms and improving outcomes in individuals with various musculoskeletal conditions. Previous research has demonstrated a decrease … Continue reading Can Mechanical Changes in Reflex Responses Explain the Clinical Benefits of Counterstrain Therapy in Plantar Fasciitis?