Imaging and Management Insights for Lumbar Disc Herniation and Radicular Syndrome

Imaging Features and Early Outcomes: Research has shown that the characteristics of lumbar disc herniation on imaging can predict the early outcomes of conservative management. Saal et al. (1990) found that the largest extrusions showed the most resorption, while contained protrusions had the least. Similar findings were reported by Delauche-Cavallier (1992), Maigne (1992), Bush (1992), and Cowan (1992), who noted that young patients often exhibited … Continue reading Imaging and Management Insights for Lumbar Disc Herniation and Radicular Syndrome

Residual leg numbness after lumbar decompression surgeries: A summary of research evidence.

Introduction: Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) is the most frequent lumbar degenerative illness that causes patients to have redundant pain (Ravindra et al., 2018). Lower back pain (LBP) and sciatica symptoms, such as leg pain (LP) and leg numbness (LN), are common in patients with LDH (Deyo et al., 2016). In addition, LN is a major factor influencing clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction following decompression surgery … Continue reading Residual leg numbness after lumbar decompression surgeries: A summary of research evidence.

Low back pain in pregnancy

Back discomfort is a frequent, but not universal, symptom of pregnancy for many women. This blog compiles some of the evidence linked to prevalence and makes some management recommendations. Prevalence Back discomfort is reported by 47% to 80% of pregnant women at some stage during their pregnancy (Mantle et al. 1977; Gent D. and Hottlieb K. 1985; Berg et al. 1988; Ostgaard et al. 1991, … Continue reading Low back pain in pregnancy

Centralization: a brief overview

The increasing reduction and elimination of distal pain in response to therapeutic loading procedures is referred to as centralization. This page provides a quick overview of the phenomenon as well as a discussion of its characteristics. Let’s get started!. The centralization phenomenon of pain is a critical evaluative finding during the physical examination. Pain is progressively abolished in a distal-to-proximal direction in response to therapeutic … Continue reading Centralization: a brief overview