False/Error Rates

Now, let us calculate the false/error rates of the SLR test when compared against the gold standard MRI test results (1).

The false positive rate of the SLR test (Type I error) is calculated as the ratio between the number of negative MRI results wrongly determined as positive results by the SLR test and the total number of negative MRI results.

FPR Type I error

The false negative rate of the SLR test (Type II error) is calculated as the ratio between the number of positive MRI results wrongly determined as negative results by the SLR test and the total number of positive MRI results.

FNR Type II error


  1. Capra, F., Vanti, C., Donati, R., Tombetti, S., O’reilly, C. and Pillastrini, P., 2011. Validity of the straight-leg raise test for patients with sciatic pain with or without lumbar pain using magnetic resonance imaging results as a reference standard. Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics, 34(4), pp.231-238.